Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Lecture 10 Feb - What a State

I found Chris's mention of city states interesting in today's lecture.

It is common knowledge that each city in the UK has its own identity, so wouldn't it be interesting if we were divided into city states?

Ancient Greece housed some wonderful contrasts just miles apart from each other. In one Polis you had the military efficient, socially strict, blood-thirsty Spartans; and just miles away was the center for the arts, learning, philosophy, the young male shagging Athenians with their direct democracy.

Can you imagine some of the variations the UK would get? Norwich would be ruled by the webbed feet masses passing laws encouraging breeding between relations, Lemington Spa would be controlled by turn of the century gents, and can you imagine Glasgow governing itself?!

In all seriousness, it is highly unlikely to happen. The first step would of course be devolution for Scotland and Wales, but that still seems some way off.

Interesting thought though.

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